Here is another installment of Katie-facts. I know I know there are no pictures, but that's really just a pain in the butt to do haha. 51. I am a spaz
52. I have a big birthmark on my side that occasionally freaks others out, but I have grown to not even remember that it's there.
53. The birthmark is in the shape of Great Britain.
54. I don't drink often, but when i do I love margaritas. I think i got that from Mommy.
55. Friends think it's funny that I call my parents Mommy and Daddy, but I would feel strange calling them Mom and Dad.
56. I have traveled quite a bit, but never west of the Mississippi River.
57. I love getting catalogs in the mail. I especially love William Sonoma and Potter Barn catalogs.
58. I don't like watching movies during the late afternoon. It depresses me to go into the theatre during they day and come out at night.
59. I don't like scary movies because I bring the 'scary' home with me.
60. I don't like too many action movies because I get a too anxious while watching them.
61. I love to watch stand-up comedy.
62. I'm addicted to goofy computer games.
63. I believe that the idea of a quarter life crisis is very real.
64. I love going to museums,mainly science museums.
65. I love rollercoasters to the nth degree.
66. I think free fall rides are dull.
67. I would like to be considered a very cultured person..I realize I'm not even close to there yet.
68. I tried to expand my "culture" by going to an Indian restaurant. No thank you.
69. I like to give up something for Lent, even though I am not Catholic. I think its the challenge I'm drawn to.
70. I consider myself to be Christian, but I do not agree that any denomination knows EXACTLY what they're talking about.
71. I am politically pretty moderate, but I am pretty anti-abortion. (outside of extraordinary circumstances).
72. I love to do crossword puzzles
73. I like taking walks.
74. I would prefer to walk to a store or restaurant rather than drive. (weather permitting)
75. it has taken me over a month to complete this.