My Life As the Favorite

Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Well, for those of you that don't know I'm pregnant....ahahahahahahaha. KIDDING! No no no, what I was going to say was that have been looking for a new place since my lease at the ol' townhouse will be up in December and I don't particularly feel like paying $600 in rent monthly. My friend Zabrina (yes a friend not a random aquaintance that has no since of priority or notion of what its like to be a responsible roommate) has a three bedroom house close to campus that she shares with another friend of hers. There is one spare bedroom up for grabs and I went last night to look at the house and it should work VERY well. The bedroom is massive about the size of my living room now. There is a ton of storage space via the even though they have a washer/dryer I won't have to get rid of mine. It has hardwood flooring throughout the house so I may end up needing to get a rug for my room, but I'm pretty happy with it. Mainly just the fact that these people know what it means to regularly pay rent.....ON TIME! Zabrina, (I know Mommy and Daddy are wondering) plans to be there another year, at least until next December. Not completely sure about the other girl. I have been thinking about finding a new home for Zeke though. He's really run me ragged and I think it'd be best if he had a home where maybe he could get a little more attention. that and he tends to destroy most everything he comes into contact with :o/. I just am getting aggravated with keeping up with his destruction. Oh and Laura, I know you like stuff like this... I listened to "The First Day of My Life" by Bright Eyes the other day. I love that song, kinda makes me all misty, but its still a really really good song. Anyhow you guys should listen to it. It makes me think of relationships/ parent-new baby stuff...Yeah i dunno. I'm racing because I have to get to class so my thoughts may seem a bit scattered. So check out the song. I gotta get to class. Ciao bellas and possible bellos

Friday, October 20, 2006

Happy Birthday Laura!!!!

Things I think about when I think of Laura:
  • Sarcastic!
  • singing "Somewhere Over the Rainbow" to me whether I liked it or not (circa nineteen eighty someting
  • laughing at the way I said "puniSH the bluSH" (the most random phrase yet)
  • calling me her "mon petit chou" (my little cabbage, term of endearment in french)
  • calling me "boosie" (always had a nickname)
  • pretty much running the family vacations lol (in a good way)
  • how weird it is when people tell me my sister's hot lol (yes its happened a few times)
Hope you have a happy birthday! Je t'aime ma soeur! haha I'm so glad that you're my sister, seriously. :oP See you......Thanksgiving?

P.S. Stephanie have you tried Nutella YET?

Thursday, October 19, 2006

So I've slacked a tad on my blogging. I haven't fallen off of the face of the Earth just yet. Let's see if I can catch you up on everything that has and hasn't been happening. I suppose the earliest news was my having my keys/wallet stolen. I keep my keys on a little I.D. wallet so if you lose one you lose both. Well I was working a night shift at work doing to go orders at Applebees, my keys were on "carside" (an area close to a side door for setting up to-go orders). Two of us work that area at a time, one waiting on customers in cars and one of us in the kitchen getting everything together. I was working in the kitchen so was unable to monitor my keys. Well I didn't think to look for them until I needed them at the end of my shift and found that they had gone missing. After asking everyone in the restaurant (employee-wise) if they had seen them I decided to resort to Plan B. Plan B meaning I do what I really didn't want to do and try to call up my apartment emergency guy and have him let me in (its 9 o'clock at night...I know they're there for this, but it just seems rude). So I had to borrow a friends car (I was sans keys remember) meet up with the key guy, grab my spare set and drive back to Applebee's to retrieve my own wheels. i absolutely hate having to ask anyone for help like that (aka borrowing someone's car). I don't carry any cash in this little I.D. wallet, but I do keep my cards in there. Contents of the wallet: license, UT I.D., insurance card, various first aid cards, bank card (w/ I.D. on it, American Express, Kroger card...and i believe that's about it. I cancelled my bank card, but hesitated to cancel my Amex. My thinking was that this most likely was a practical joke, since it has happened before with my phone and various other things of mine at work. Haha... not so much. Sunday night I get a call from Mommy and Daddy thinking I've been abducted. It seems a police officer had called them saying that'd he'd found all of my things thrown out beside a gas station near where I work. Long story a little shorter, he returned those items....minus the keys. I'm still somewhat weirded out about everything, but I have everything I need once again.
Next I guess, would be my birthday. It was somewhat low-key. My friends bought me some cupcakes, a balloon, and a giftcard. Andy and I went out to eat at what ended up being P.F. Chang's (couldn't make up my mind). He actually bought me flowers...its definately been a while since I got those so I was very pleased :oP. Thank you for all of your cards and gifts. I really appreciate them. Gifts are like Godsends when you're as broke as I am haha.
Next week I believe the only interesting event, scheduled at least, is a trip with some friends to a corn maze. They don't really do haunted houses here for some reason...its pretty much just random fields of corn...kinda dumb, but still fun.
Anyhow I think I'll leave this rather long blog with a to-do list for the day.....and its a DOOZY!

  • send transcripts to various schools applied to for nursing
  • go see about ticket

there's something else. I got a ticket from a camera cop I guess for lack of a better term. I was taking a right at a red light which as far as I know is completely allowed, since I've seen many a person do it at the same intersection w/o snapshot. There are no posted signs saying not to either. But apperently when I took the right it looked a little too much like i was going straight so I get a ticket for running a red light. Mind you I'm in the "right turn only" lane. Who knows.. So I have to see about that today.

  • find 5 sources (books only) for a history paper
  • figure out what it is I'll be writing said paper about
  • workout (been slacking hardcore)
  • buy: detergent, milk, juice, healthy stuff
  • go to mall to use my gift cards on some winter clothes
  • target for halloween stuff
  • grab some food at Panera's since I have a free coupon
  • call Zabrina about looking at her house (a possible new residence of mine)
  • finish French homework.

I'm going to sleep well tonight! Have a good day!

One more thing been thinking about ideas for spring break. STA has some really low rates for traveling for students. I've never really taken a spring break trip so I thought maybe I'd try to get one in while I'm still at UT. Thought so far are possibly Europe or the west coast. Input, ideas, positive feedback please :o).