My Life As the Favorite

Thursday, December 20, 2007

Well since no one else is blogging I guess I'll just see what I can do.

I wanted to thank all of you guys for coming to my graduation. I feel bad that after having driven so far I was not the best of company. It was nice to have you guys around for that day though. I'm really glad I went home that night. It was fun hanging out w/ Stephanie at Opry Mills. I never really have one on one time w/ any of you guys and I kinda miss it from time to time. It's funny how much we have in common and seem to not even realize it. I'm really looking forward to the weekend after Christmas and all of you being around. Dare I say it, but I'd like to have some new pictures of all of us. It seems like we always take a lot of photos, but i never end up seeing any of them.

Anyhow this week has been very very up and down for me. I guess that's to be expected. I'm feeling a little defiant towards the entire "getting over it" phase. I just don't feel like I should have to feel bad even though for the moment I can't help it. The Christmas music is rather nagging too, for such happy music it can be incredibly depressing. I tend to just go home and keep the t.v. on for distraction. I haven't gotten out all that much, but that will have to change seeing as how I have little Christmas shopping done. I have been thinking about moving to a new area..nothing has really struck my fancy yet, but I'm still looking. I am excited about having a new roommate in January. She seems very nice from e-mails I've received from her. It will be nice just to have someone that's actually home for a change. I don't know that I'm that big a fan of living alone. I think a little noise and maybe a little clutter can be a good thing :).

In completely random news..there's a lady in my office that breeds dachshunds and she has a litter on the way. She always brings them by the office to tempt us. I may cave. I just don't know. I'm not sure that dachshunds are my first choice, but we'll see.

I hope all of you are doing well. Thank you again for being so supportive. I don't know what I'd do if I didn't have you guys behind me. Love you! See you either Christmas or the weekend after!


At 5:46 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

We're here for you, gal! A new year is coming and it's going to be a good one for you.


At 7:28 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I agree with Mommy! Next year is going to be a good year.
I really enjoyed spending time with you Saturday night and I've enjoyed talking to you all the times we've talked this week. I don't have many close girlfriends here, especially since I don't get out as much these days. It's nice to have someone to talk to that knows me, KWIM? Hang in there and feel free to come to Martin if you get bored in H'ville before Christmas. I have no plans until the afternoon of Christmas Eve.

At 8:29 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

You sound good!! I'm glad you're thinking over new things and possibilities!! Maybe getting defiantis just what you need. I certainly understand feeling like you shouldn't "have" to feel bad. And in this case you really shouldn't. Hang in there!


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