I'm blogging! I'm really blogging........again!
It seems the blogger gods are angry with me for not having blogged in so long that they decided to overlook my initial blog today. Lucky me I get to type it up again. Oh well.
So today was my first day of school since winter break. So far its been pretty good. I may even get to drop a class that there's a possibility I won't need, but I'll have to talk to my advisor about that. I'm strongly considering taking some time off after I graduate. Lately I've been a little jaded and burned out as far as school is concerned. I'm sure none of you can guess as to why.
So would you guys like to know my schedule for the semester? Sounds terribly interesting doesn't it. I know you're excited. :)
- MWF French 212 8:00 until 8:50
- Research Analysis 9:05 until 9:55
Class structure (as in social) 12:20 until 1:10 - W (only) American Prehistory 5:45 until 8:35
- TR Health Psychology 2:10 until 3:25
And that's the whole shabang or whatever. As you can see I have some pretty big gaps in there which will be filled with various activities such as napping, lunching, surfing the internet, possible studying, and doing laundry at home.
So this past weekend I went down to Madeline and Caleb's birthday extravaganza. We had a lot of fun. I woke up early Saturday morning and drove down, passing through Chattanooga to pick up Andy. We did get there about an hour late seeing as how I was a little less than eager to wake up that day. I think we must have gotten there at peak time because there were kids and presents everywhere! I expected to see maybe 5 or so kids there, but I would say there were at least 10 along with their respective parents in attendance. There were groups of little girls huddled around Madeline as she opened up all of here Littlest Pet Shop, My Little Pony, Webkins, and 12 Dancing Princesses gifts. In contrast the little boys were all pretty much doing their own things, some playing with Caleb's new Geotrax, or sitting on Andy's leg munching on a toy train. Overall I think Madeline and Caleb were very satisfied with their new toys. Here's what I gave if you're interested:
As for the rest of this week after today (nothing much occured Monday or Tuesday) Andy's band has a gig Friday night at a place out in West Knoxville so I'll most likely try to make that. He'd probably appreciate it at least.
Saturday I may go skiing for the first time. My roommate and some of her other friends are going to head to NC. So who knows. I'll take it easy though. I'm not the most graceful of creatures. I imagine I'll stick to the bunnyslopes...or whatever they're called. If I go I'll try and get some picture to post.
Oh and for those of you who weren't sure where I was talking about when I mentioned going to Moab for spring break here are some pictures:

Ok well that was a pretty thick blog for one day's work. Here's hoping it actually takes this time!