My Life As the Favorite

Friday, August 10, 2007

Well...I did it. I graduated, I think. Today was the last day of classes and since there is no ceremony for summer graduates its been incredibly anticlimactic. It was a little depressing today knowing that I was done with everything, but I had nothing to show for it. No buzzers went off, no parades, nothing....just got in my car and drove home. Blah. They do allow you to walk in the winter if you graduated in the summer. I'm thinking about doing that. As far as the job hunt and I KNOW Mommy is interested in this. I've got my resume on, I have my resume at the career center at UT for critiquing, I've talked to numerous people for advice, and I've been habitually searching the job section of the classifieds. Some good things...some possibilities. We'll just see. I'm hoping to hear back from career services Monday. I want to make sure my resume is looking pretty good first. A friend of mine told me about a Ranstadt-esque company downtown that specializes in finding jobs within the healthcare field so I will most likely hunt them down. I did get one response so far from Monster....something about selling health insurance...I'm not sure about that..

Well on top of the ho hum morning my washing machine decided to begin smoking. Oh lovely. So I've called maintenance and who knows if they'll be able to fix that today or not. I'm kinda thinking if its smoking then its probably beyond a quick fix, but ya never know. I also managed to bust my flipflops at school so badly that I had to go barefoot around campus. Luckily I'm short enough and my jeans are long enough that maybe not too many people noticed.

Andy did try to cheer me up today by buying me a graduation present. We had talked about how much I liked to listen to NPR or just anything talk on the radio alot of times instead of music. I mentioned being interested in trying out some books on tape (cd) so he bought me the new and final Harry Potter on cd.... its 17 cd's long! Maybe by my birthday I'll have finished it. lol

Well I'll type again as soon as something happens!


At 12:19 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Let me be the first to congratulate you!! I know you are glad to have that behind you even if there was no pomp and circumstance, maybe December!

Now on the bigger and better things.


At 7:59 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Congratulations!!! I thought about you all week knowing that this was your last week of classes. I know for me graduation was very anticlimatic even WITH the ceremony. It was just really weird to be done with something you've been doing pretty much your entire life. Good luck with your resume and if you need any help, just give me a call. Congratulations again!!

At 8:29 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Congrats Katie! This is a major milestone. Now set your mind on your goal and judge every action you take as to how it will help you get that goal. It's good that you are on Monster but the BEST way is physical presence... networking.... so work the contacts you have and use those to get you additional contacts press on!

At 8:30 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh Yeah... I am proud of you.... but you know that! - Dad

At 11:26 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Congratulations Katie!! You did it! I'm proud of you!! Can't wait to hear what your prospects are as they come in!

I'm the same way with radio, I listen to talk a lot of times just to hear a conversation.


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