My Life As the Favorite

Thursday, October 19, 2006

So I've slacked a tad on my blogging. I haven't fallen off of the face of the Earth just yet. Let's see if I can catch you up on everything that has and hasn't been happening. I suppose the earliest news was my having my keys/wallet stolen. I keep my keys on a little I.D. wallet so if you lose one you lose both. Well I was working a night shift at work doing to go orders at Applebees, my keys were on "carside" (an area close to a side door for setting up to-go orders). Two of us work that area at a time, one waiting on customers in cars and one of us in the kitchen getting everything together. I was working in the kitchen so was unable to monitor my keys. Well I didn't think to look for them until I needed them at the end of my shift and found that they had gone missing. After asking everyone in the restaurant (employee-wise) if they had seen them I decided to resort to Plan B. Plan B meaning I do what I really didn't want to do and try to call up my apartment emergency guy and have him let me in (its 9 o'clock at night...I know they're there for this, but it just seems rude). So I had to borrow a friends car (I was sans keys remember) meet up with the key guy, grab my spare set and drive back to Applebee's to retrieve my own wheels. i absolutely hate having to ask anyone for help like that (aka borrowing someone's car). I don't carry any cash in this little I.D. wallet, but I do keep my cards in there. Contents of the wallet: license, UT I.D., insurance card, various first aid cards, bank card (w/ I.D. on it, American Express, Kroger card...and i believe that's about it. I cancelled my bank card, but hesitated to cancel my Amex. My thinking was that this most likely was a practical joke, since it has happened before with my phone and various other things of mine at work. Haha... not so much. Sunday night I get a call from Mommy and Daddy thinking I've been abducted. It seems a police officer had called them saying that'd he'd found all of my things thrown out beside a gas station near where I work. Long story a little shorter, he returned those items....minus the keys. I'm still somewhat weirded out about everything, but I have everything I need once again.
Next I guess, would be my birthday. It was somewhat low-key. My friends bought me some cupcakes, a balloon, and a giftcard. Andy and I went out to eat at what ended up being P.F. Chang's (couldn't make up my mind). He actually bought me flowers...its definately been a while since I got those so I was very pleased :oP. Thank you for all of your cards and gifts. I really appreciate them. Gifts are like Godsends when you're as broke as I am haha.
Next week I believe the only interesting event, scheduled at least, is a trip with some friends to a corn maze. They don't really do haunted houses here for some reason...its pretty much just random fields of corn...kinda dumb, but still fun.
Anyhow I think I'll leave this rather long blog with a to-do list for the day.....and its a DOOZY!

  • send transcripts to various schools applied to for nursing
  • go see about ticket

there's something else. I got a ticket from a camera cop I guess for lack of a better term. I was taking a right at a red light which as far as I know is completely allowed, since I've seen many a person do it at the same intersection w/o snapshot. There are no posted signs saying not to either. But apperently when I took the right it looked a little too much like i was going straight so I get a ticket for running a red light. Mind you I'm in the "right turn only" lane. Who knows.. So I have to see about that today.

  • find 5 sources (books only) for a history paper
  • figure out what it is I'll be writing said paper about
  • workout (been slacking hardcore)
  • buy: detergent, milk, juice, healthy stuff
  • go to mall to use my gift cards on some winter clothes
  • target for halloween stuff
  • grab some food at Panera's since I have a free coupon
  • call Zabrina about looking at her house (a possible new residence of mine)
  • finish French homework.

I'm going to sleep well tonight! Have a good day!

One more thing been thinking about ideas for spring break. STA has some really low rates for traveling for students. I've never really taken a spring break trip so I thought maybe I'd try to get one in while I'm still at UT. Thought so far are possibly Europe or the west coast. Input, ideas, positive feedback please :o).


At 1:31 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I say New York and I'll go with you. Oh wait, crap, I can't go.

One of my tickets (I've only ever had 2, for the record)was for turning right on red. It seems I didn't come to a complete stop before I turned right. ((rolleyes))I hope you don't have to pay it, although with your schedule, it'd probably be easier than going to traffic school.

At 2:03 PM, Blogger StephM said...

Well it's about time you blogged little missy!! Good to hear you're still on the face of the planet. Sounds like you're keeping busy! I say West Coast and I'LL go with you! I've never been. I need Christmas ideas for you please!

At 3:49 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Even though I did get to talk to you today, it was good to see you blog.....been missing it!


At 6:41 PM, Blogger Jennifer said...

You can come here and babysit and I'll take a vacation! YOUR vacation would include drama lessons with Madeline hourly, possible amputated appendages, and tiptoeing around your own house so as not to disturb anyone while they are working. Enjoy!


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