My Life As the Favorite

Saturday, September 23, 2006

Ok I found this on the web and I thought it was pretty amusing. This I pretty self-explanatory, but the people to the top left are the most similar in features.

Haha Anne Frank....that's just funny

Hehe Stephanie (in this pictures at least) looks the most like Sylvia Plath. lol


At 12:52 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I hope I am not alone, but I have no idea who most of those people on the right are! I can pick out Nicole Kidman, Renee Z, and some of the others,but not many!!


At 12:59 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Very nice Katie!! Pick a terrible picture of me and then do that!! ;)

Actually I've done that before with a different picture and got Olivia Newton-John, Drew Barrymore and Judy Garland, among others. I'm not sure if it was the same website or not.

At 2:00 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

That is sooooo funny that Laura is said to look like a former Hobbit.

At 8:58 AM, Blogger StephM said...

I did this with my wedding picture and I liked the results WAY better! I did this with Mark's wedding picture (which it didn't want to read at all) and got George W. Bush. I wasn't too happy with that result so I tried another picture and got David Beckham. Better. I don't recognize alot of the celebrities it matched me with though. At least none of them were Sylvia Plath when I used a better picture!

At 6:19 PM, Blogger Jennifer said...

Yeah, I get Sharon Stone ALL the time??? What the heck?


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